Colorized Atlas

Parasternal Long Axis - Colorized - Simple
Parasternal Long Axis
Blue : Left atrium and ventricle, Yellow: Mitral valve, Green: Right ventricle
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Parasternal Long Axis - Colorized - Complex
Parasternal Long Axis (detailed)
Blue: Left ventricle, Green: Right ventricle, Orange: Aortic outflow Pink: Aortic valve; Yellow: Mitral valve; Red: Pericardium; Light orange: Left atrium
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Parasternal Short Axis - Colorized
Parasternal short axis
Red: Left ventricle, Blue: Mitral valve, Green: Right ventricle
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Apical 4 - Colorized Simple
Apical 4
Red: Right atrium and ventricle, Blue: Left atrium and ventricle, Pink: aortic valve
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Apical 4 - Colorized - Complex
Apical 4 View
Red: Right Ventricle, Green: Right Atrium, Blue: Left Ventricle, Yellow: Left atrium. Pink: Mitral valve. Teal: Tricuspid Valve.
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Subxiphoid - Colorized 1
Subxiphoid view
Red: Lumen of left atrium and ventricle, Blue: Lumen of right atrium and ventricle
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Subxiphoid - Colorized 2
Red: Liver. Orange: Diaphragm. Blue: Right Atrium, Teal: Right Ventricle, Green: Left Atrium,Purple: Left Ventricle
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti

Inferior Vena Cava and Hepatic Vein - Colorized
Inferior Vena Cava and Hepatic Vein
Red: Heart, Yelow: Hepatic vein, Blue: Inferior vena cava
Images: Dr. Lindsay Davis, Dr. Hannah Kopinski. Image Editing: Michael Amador and Dr. Matthew Riscinti