Submit your image below using the provided form.
Submission Guidelines:
Please create an educational caption including:
Brief and anonymous case description
Description of the clip using sonographic physics and vocabulary (ie hyperechoic, anechoic, etc).
A teaching point. For example, the operating characteristics of POCUS for a given diagnosis, how it can change management, it's overall clinical utility. Include a reference when applicable.
Include your name and affiliation as you would like it displayed.
Please keep these short! <600 characters preferred
We are looking forward to seeing the incredible images that the online ultrasound community has to offer! Thank you all for being an important part of this awesome ultrasound project. Please be sure to utilize your local institutional guidelines when submitting to our site and ensure no PHI or inference of identity.
The POCUS Atlas Team
The Review Process
Our team will review the images every 2-4 weeks to determine which submissions will be placed in our archive and displayed on the website. Either way we will contact you to let you know.
By submitting your image, you are agreeing to allow us to use your image freely.
You will be provided with credit for your image wherever it will be displayed.
We are super excited to see what you have to submit to us! Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions.